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Coconut, The Perfect Summer Food

Do you also associate summer to the exotic taste of coconut? A really beneficial food, with an intense flavor that brings in it the joy of summer. Even if, in stores, you usually find it among fruit, it is actually not: in fact, the white and tasty pulp we use to eat is the soft part of the seed, that is located inside a hard, fibrous and brown-colored shell.

Cultivated in the tropical countries, besides of Asia, Central America, South America and Africa, the coconut palm has been able to spread naturally, carried by the flows of the sea, thanks to its capability to maintain its fertility for a long time. In fact, the Spanish explorers  have been the ones to give coconut its name (which means monkey face) because, according to them, the three dots on the hairy shell of the coconut looked like a monkey face.

Made by 50% water and, for the remaining part, by fibers, carbohydrates and fats, coconut, for its high content of potassium, represents an excellent food to fill up on minerals. For example, coconut water is a highly refreshing drink and also a tasty alternative to energetic and invigorating drinks: those characteristics are perfect for those who practice sport. Coconut has also many cosmetic properties: its oil is, in fact, a precious ally for hair and skin, and also a huge help to prevent caries.

Probios’- Tuscan company leader in Italy for organic vegetarian food - coconut line, was born to offer a wide range of products made with high quality, organic and tasty fruit: coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut water, gluten free coconut chips, gluten free coconut flour, 100% coconut cream and coconut sugar. But Probios always take care about the ethical aspect. In fact, the partner that manufactures the coconut line is located in Sri Lanka and have been selected by the Tuscan Group  basing on important ethical principles: no child labor, support for working women, support of education based on the Montessori method, use of photovoltaic energy, not using animals to pick the coconut. Many precious attentions that make the Probios Coconut Line a tasty organic and "responsible choice".