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Glycemic Index: The Expert Answers!

I'm following a diet with low glycemic index and I think it might be useful on the packaging of your products to report the GI value, do you think it's possible in future?

The glycemic index is a numerical value that allows you to measure the speed of digestion and absorption of foods containing carbohydrates and their subsequent effect on blood glucose levels, ie the levels of glucose in the blood.
A food with a high score of the GI (> 70) produces a large momentary peak glucose levels after its consumption.
In contrast, a food with a low glycemic index (less than 55) causes a rise in blood glucose which is slower and sustained.

Apart from the pure carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc. ..) that have a stable index, the value of the glycemic index, especially in complex products is very approximate and susceptible to different variables.
Some of the factors of variability may be the cultivation area of the product and the climate, the variety of the food, the ripeness of the fruit used, for example, the content of fiber and other nutrients such as fats and proteins, but also the composition of previous meals, or the distance between a meal times and another.

Given the high mutability of value and the belief that other absolutely subjective factors come into play, Probios prefers not to give directions on the glycemic index which may lead to misconceptions.

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