Mozzarella and summer vegetables caprese with spicy eggplant cream

Servings: 4
Prep time: 20
Cooking time: 30
Seasonality: July
Type of recipe: second courses
Difficulty: moderate
  • 4 mozzarella

    3 coppery tomatoes

    2 zucchini

    2 carrots

    2 aubergines

    1 fresh chili pepper

    extra virgin olive oil

    anchovies in salt


  1. Cook the whole aubergines with peel in a pan for at least 15 minutes, turning them often so as not to burn them too much. Then peel them and arrange the pulp in a colander, placing a weight on it and letting them drain for an hour.
  2. Blend the eggplant pulp with 2 tablespoons of oil, the chili pepper (add the quantity according to personal taste) and a pinch of salt. Make a cream and store it in a covered container.
  3. Slice the carrots diagonally and blanch them for 2 minutes in boiling water or steam. Then brown them together with the zucchini, cut in the same diagonal way, in a pan with one-two tablespoons of oil and at the end add salt.
  4. Divide the mozzarella and tomatoes into slices just before serving, then prepare the Caprese directly on the plates. Arrange, alternating, the slices of mozzarella and three vegetables, add salt, pepper and season with a little oil. Complete with a few tablespoons of eggplant cream and serve.