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World Earth Day: the Ealth of the Planet (also) Starts from the Kitchen

The World Earth Day is the most important worldwide event dedicated to the safeguard of the environment. Born on April 22nd, 1970 as a university movement, this demonstration grew during time, becoming a complete informative and educative event, that gathers every year more than one billion people of more than 192 Countries in the world.

Even in 2017, the World Earth Day will be celebrated with many initiatives all over Italy, to raise people’s awareness on the safeguard of the Planet.
A very important spur for discussion to evaluate the current conditions of the Planet and to raise awareness about the consequences of our daily habits on the environment.

Consider that buying meat at the supermarket or at the butcher’s only costs a few Euros, but the cost it has for our environment is instead very different. The farming sector, with 15% of the global greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs), occupies in fact the third place after the energetic and industrial sector.

Nowadays in the world there are 1,5 billion bovines and, by 2050, the forecast is that they will be 2,5 billion. One single bovine produces, on an average, 2,4 tons CO2 every year, which means more than the emissions caused every year by a normal car. This means that the whole bovines’ emissions reach about 4,3 billion tons CO2 every year[1].

The challenge is at the moment to produce enough healthy food, available for everyone, preserving at the same time the environment and the biodiversity. To ensure the sustainable food safety on a global scale, it is fundamental to avoid intensive farming and agriculture, and to prefer sustainable ones instead.

On its side, Probios has always seen organic farming, the promotion of a healthier lifestyle and a sustainable and vegetarian diet as values that go beyond the simple concept of business. The company, that as a definition has always been “pro-bios”, “In favor of life”, also supports project that aim to protect nature and its biodiversity in our Country. Moreover, it takes position against GMOs and synthetic chemicals that cause the pollution of the water and the environment, regularly undergoing controls and inspections from the authorized certifying bodies to attest their compliance to the European and national laws.