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Probios at the Museum of Soccer Coverciano (Florence)

Saturday, April 24, 2010, on the occasion of the conference "Pathology tendon Upper Limb", Probios will have the pleasure to present the study "Biological Supply Setting in Sport." The conference will be held at the prestigious Museum of Football (Florence) and will involve a number of luminaries in sports medicine, including Prof. Trimarchi, a candidate for the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1986. The course aims to provide updates on the latest scientific findings in the treatment of tendon pathology. At 17:30 there will be the intervention of Dr. Castellini, coordinator of the research project Probios, which will outline the progress of the project. The study is created by Probios in collaboration with the University of Florence under the direction of Prof. Giorgio Galanti. An integral part of the project is SESTESE FOOTBALL team that plays in the Italian Championship Series D. The research aims to determine whether an organic food supply can be supportive to competitive athletes. Increasing frequency and intensity of the workouts in fact we are witnessing an increase in oxidative stress of the organism resulting effect on health. The organic diet rich in antioxidant nutrients and free of chemicals that are added to cellular oxidative stress can be a valuable support. After the conference, Probios offer those present a bio buffet with its products in the special gazebo decorated for the occasion outside the museum.