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Monday, June 13th is the #WorldMeatFreeDay

Today, Monday, the 13th of June, is the #WorldMeatFreeDay, the "Day without meat." The event, born in England and spread around the world, aims to raise environmental awareness of the impact that the consumption of meat has on our planet and to encourage people to preserve precious natural resources.
At the last valutation of Wmfd organization, the world population will touch nearly 9 billion by 2050, 30% more than today, and if it doesn’t change its eating habits the meat production will reach 200 million tons. An amount that is not sustainable anymore by the land and water resources of the planet.
On thr site of World Meat Free Day you’ll find a "counter" with that measures the environmental impact of the renunciation of meat. A family of four “meat-free" persons, for example, would save the amount of water necessary to the survival of a person for over a month.
Fortunately, a company's report "Plate for the Planet", published on the occasion of this Day, revealed a deep motivation to change, starting with the youngest. Although based on the British population, this report shows the phenomenon of "moderation Generation", children between 16 and 24 who are increasingly choosing alternatives to meat or products from more sustainable supply chains. The motivation is twofold: to protect the environment and health.
In recent months, WHO has in fact entered the red and processed meats in the group of the most carcinogenic substances and a recent Oxford University study found that if all the world were to adopt a strictly vegan diet this would save 8.1 million premature deaths per year by 2050. Last but not least, the issue of animal welfare in intensive farming: it touches the conscience of everyone, young and old, and also has a health consequence.