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Source of Fibers - Fibers Rich

In a balanced diet it is important to place a proper quantity of vegetable fibers, which are present in many foods of plant origin. The fibers swell with water, exerting a mechanical pressure on the walls of the stomach and intestine: hence they have a high satiating power that allows you to eat less calories. In particular, soluble ones have the ability to reduce the glycemic index of foods (the sugar levels in blood) and facilitate the elimination of fats, helping to control the cholesterol level. The fibers are crucial to support good intestinal transit and thus help eliminate waste from the intestine combating constipation, helping peristalsis and promoting the efficiency of the bacterial flora of the colon.
Cereals better if whole ones, legumes and fruits are foods naturally rich in fiber and more! .. Their use in daily balanced portions is the basis of a balanced diet.
In many Probios products based on different cereals you can find a really interesting content in fiber: you will find the wording SOURCE OF FIBERS if in the nutritional table their content is at least 3g / 100g or FIBERS RICH if they reach or exceed 6g / 100g . Our pasta wheat, spelt, kamut and rice, have a high fiber content and can be used every day for the first delicious and tasty meals. Moreover, even many breakfast products were designed just to start the day with so much energy and a high content of vegetable fiber. Even in the selection of gluten-free products you will find products that are a source of fiber, to ensure the intake of fiber also for those who follow a gluten-free diet.
When you find the claim. . .