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The Brown Sugare: The Expert Answers!

For some time I follow a vegan diet, and I appreciate many of your products, but now I pay too much attention to the process of extraction of food and would like to know if, for example, in the production process of the brown sugar used in some of your recipes, animal products, like animal charcoal are used.

In the Probios products sweetened with sugar we use raw brown and white sugar.
The animal charcoal or bone coal is obtained by burning animal bones in the absence of oxygen, and among its uses, one is exactly that of refining of sugar and its discoloration.

The brown sugar used in the preparation of the products of Probios has not undergone treatment with these substances.
In some cases, such as e.g. in composed of red fruit used in rice tarts of line Rice & Rice, the manufacturer is in possession of a vegan certificate in which they certify that the production and development of the ingredients contained in the products did not involve the use of any animal product or derivative.

If you have any doubt about the possibility of taking products Probios when choosing vegan we are always available to provide clarification!
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