Spicy Grilled Belgian Endive with Salad

Servings: 4
Prep time: 20
Cooking time: 10
  • - 100 g of whole wheat bread
  • - 4 heads of endive
  • - 100 g of valerian salad
  • - 100 g of bean sprouts
  • - 2 carrots
  • - 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  • - 1 tablespoon parsley
  • - 1 hot pepper
  • - 1 lemon
  • - Extra virgin olive oil
  • - salt
  1. Chop the parsley and pepper and stir together in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of lemon zest and a few drops of its juice to create an emulsion.
  2. Divide the tufts of the Belgian endive lenghtwise in half and bake on a hot plate for a few minutes on both sides. Then toss them with the aromatic oil in a pan, cover and leave to marinate in the heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Gather in a salad bowl the carrots reduced in fine julienne, valeriana lettuce, bean sprouts and toss with a tablespoon of oil and a little salt.
  4. Toast the pumpkin seeds in a pan for a few minutes; Once cooled add them to mixed salad.
  5. Spread the salad on dishes, arrange on it the marinaded endive and heat briefly in the oven. Complete the dish with the slices of bread cutted into squares or triangles and serve immediately. If you prefer, you can toast the bread for a few minutes in the hot oven until crisp.