Tarts with Pepper, Eggplant and Pine Nuts with Majoram Sauce

Servings: 4
Prep time: 20
Cooking time: 30
  • - 2 eggplants
  • - 1 bell pepper, yellow
  • - 1 bell pepper, red
  • - 1 bell pepper, green
  • - 1 white onion
  • - 50 g of pine nuts
  • - 4 bay leaves
  • - 1 bunch of marjoram
  • - Vegetable broth
  • - Extra virgin olive oil
  • - salt
  1. Cut the peppers into strips about an inch, divide them into small cubes and place them in a bowl. Reduce the eggplant in the same way, keeping vegetables separated.
  2. Chop the onion coarsely, then put it to fry in a pan with a thick bottom along with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil for 10 minutes. After this, add the bay leaf before and immediately after the peppers, salt and continue for 5 abundant minutes, then add the eggplant until cooked (need about 15 minutes).
  3. Take 2 tablespoons of diced eggplant from among those without peel, and once cooled pour them into the blender along with the marjoram pastry, then pouring the pureed vegetable broth or water to get a sauce, salt it and complete it with 2 tablespoons of oil.
  4. Toast the pine nuts in a small saucepan. Put aside a teaspoon and chop the rest, mixing to the vegetables.
  5. Remove the bay leaf and press the mixture of vegetables in 4 wet molds. After 5 minutes, flip the tarts on the dishes, drizzle with a spoonful of sauce, garnish with whole pine nuts and serve.