Mini-Snack - Panito

Servings: 2
  1. Yesterday was a rainy Sunday, very wet! There was also the traffic stop so we were stuck at home forcibly. We decided to enjoy a little relax, light wine and pizza baked in the oven ...
    I had a pack of new focaccia integral of Probios (The new line panito) and wanted to try a delicious starter.
  2. The strength of these new "bread" is because it doesn’t crumble and it’s very well to cut, staying compact, so I did a lot of slices of about 1.5 cm, I slightly warmed them in the toaster (not roasted, it’s not necessary because the bread is so good) and I stuffed it with: Robiola / goat cheese (some with Robiola and some with goat cheese), grilled eggplant and homemade onion jam.
    I made minisandwiches, which together with a glass of wine made their good impression !!! Yummy !!