Chickpeas Crepes with Spinach, Mushrooms and Hazelnuts

Servings: 4
Prep time: 30
Cooking time: 40
  • - 500 g of raw spinach
  • - 400 ml of soy, milk
  • - 150 g of chickpea flour
  • - 50 g of chopped hazelnuts
  • - 3 tablespoons of rice flour
  • - 1 leek
  • - 15 g of dried mushrooms
  • - 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • - 1 clove garlic
  • - Peanut oil
  • - olive oil
  • - Salt
  • - nutmeg
  1. Mix the chickpea flour with 400 ml of water the night before (or at least some hour before), help yourself with a whip by adding the liquid gradually. Shortly before preparing the recipe, add to the rested batter a pinch of salt, slice the inside of the leek thinly and soaked the dried mushrooms and then chop them.
  2. Choose some beautiful leaves of washed spinach, blanch for 20 seconds in a little water and transfer them in a bowl with cold water. In the same pan, cook the remaining spinach for 5 minutes, drain, cool, squeeze and chop.
  3. Stir the rice flour in a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add the warm but not hot soy milk, mix well and bring the mixture to a boil on the stove while continuing to mix. At the end season with a little salt and grated nutmeg.
  4. Mince the garlic, brown it in a frying pan or saucepan with a little oil, add ginger and then the chopped spinach, salt lightly, add the sauce you just prepared and completed with chopped hazelnuts.Mix well.
  5. Heat a pan for pancakes of about 12-15 cm, lightly oiled with peanut oil. Pour a ladle of batter and spread it to form an omelette about 3 mm thick; cook 5 minutes per side and repeat.
  6. Stack the pancakes alternating with spinach sauce and finish with a thin layer of sauce. Decorate the dish with whole leaves of spinach, well drained, a few hazelnuts and serve.